If you don’t make health your priority, you may be putting everything in your future in jeopardy. I have not always been the best of decision makers a few times when it comes to matters of my own health. In fact, I will be the first to admit that I do really like my desserts and burgers. But they come at a cost, cost of being able to do activities, cost of feeling sluggish, cost of being irate, and cost of ones health. I’ve always found that whenever I have made health my priority, the other things in life actually start flowing better.
After health, its family and then career. But to make my health the priority, I needed a way to do it, and do it consistently. If I actually look at the reasons of why I make poor decisions, or have in the past at least, I can always pin-point to a familiar pattern. For me it starts with stress, which in turn leads to eating unhealthy, and may also involve getting injured or sick. These are the triggers that push me towards eating unhealthily. On the other side, Christmas time and birthdays are other times, when peer and family pressure, along with the smell of turkey roast and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, and basmati rice with butter chicken may be enough to break that resolve.
The key I have discovered for me, is neither moderation, nor extremism, but settling into a pattern and having a plan. And this is where this blog starts for us, for me, is to live a healthier life, and maybe inspire someone else to do the same by being an example. If you read Rozzy’s story, you’ll find out more about why we have made a joint decision to work on our health. And my why is simple, I want to be the best version of myself – which starts with good health – Period.